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Life is feudal wiki spinning wheel

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In the country the building might take the form of a cross, giving an open view on all sides with public rooms and halls, or a conservatory under glass (a winter garden) in the middle, and gardens surrounding. To further this object, one side of the square might be left open, or devoted to work-rooms, only a single story in height. The most obvious form of the People's Palace in the town is a hollow square, surrounded with streets, with inclosed and surrounding gardens-the space in the centre being large enough to give air and a pleasant outlook to the inner domiciles. Invention also has done comparatively little to furnish labor-saving machinery for agriculture and the household on account of the segregated and slovenly character of these industries. The Peabody tenement-houses in London, the family club-houses in England and on the Continent, the family hotels in this country, and the Familistère at Guise, though furnishing valuable architectural suggestions, have solved as yet but few of the problems of construction of the "People's Palace," as it has been called. For such buildings a new architecture and new machinery are needed. What we need, in order to harmonize our household system with other branches of modern industry, is a Federative Homestead, owned by those inhabiting it, in which the great entries or halls may be considered as streets under cover, and the individual or family domiciles, houses under a common roof. Waring, in an "Ogden Farm-Paper," in the April number of the American Agriculturist. This question, "How can we keep the boys on the farm?" has just received a thoughtful answer from Colonel George E. What is needed in agriculture to charm the population back to ​the fields, and to double the production of the soil, is to substitute suitable buildings at the centre of an agricultural township for unsuitable, straggling farm-houses and barns, and to replace solitary labor on farms by the modern method of organized industry, applied to the cultivation of a domain large enough to permit selection of soils and the use of adequate machinery. Two great departments of human industry, Agriculture, already alluded to, and the Household, remain in the hand-loom state of development. In other words, which will bear repetition, the separate house does not, cannot avail itself of the social economies and productive forces which are the means of modern civilization. The wastefulness of building a separate house for each family, even with the cheapest appliances, and of carrying on the household afterward, will be, always sufficient to make the difference between comfort and pauperism for the masses. We are brought, however, at once to a legitimate though limited ground of preference for the Philadelphia plan of purchasing a homestead, over the common method of living in rented houses, or in hired rooms in a tenement-house.īut this is only half of the question. On this account it introduces the wildest confusion into the present discussion to compare the working-men's houses in Philadelphia, owned by themselves, with hired tenements. One of the chief conditions of such independence is that the home shall be owned by the individual or family, not rented. The first step toward social order is to secure the independent existence of the individual or family in a home which, like the traditional English house, shall be a castle inviolable and safe from all intrusion.

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More farmers and farmers' wives, in proportion to the population, are insane, than any other industrial or professional class in America and this, notwithstanding all the healthful influences of Nature in the country, and the miasm, filth, and imprisonment, of the towns. In the older States our population is rushing into the towns, not because the earth has grown barren, or because our town-life is natural or beautiful, but because modern civilization attracts and marshals mankind to coöperative work, and the universal instinct revolts against anti-social methods and solutions. But the first generation born in it, or as soon as civilization has spread far enough to take it in, fly from it as if it were a pest-house. The solitary farm-house is a pioneer in the wilderness, and good for that.

life is feudal wiki spinning wheel

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The real question is, how to reconcile the autonomy of the individual and family with the economies and productive forces of modern society. No solution of the problem can be worse than the solitary farm-house in a thinly-settled country. The question is not merely how to house single families at the least cost. THE problem of homes for the people is not a simple one.

Life is feudal wiki spinning wheel